miercuri, 27 ianuarie 2010

somn. oda :P

mmm...ce bine e sa iti fie somn, sa poti sa te culci, sa stai la caldurica in pat, sa stii ca nu ai o ora cruda de trezire...mmmm....un deliciu! Mai am uneori momente chiar inainte de a adormi, in care ma gandesc cat de bine e sa stai asa in patuc aproape adormit..sa stii ca nu trebuie sa mai faci nimic, nu se mai asteapta nimeni la nimic de la tine (ca oricine doarme...e ceva necesar, obigatoriu). Ma gandesc la noptile alea din sesiune (sau stresiune) cand eu invatam noaptea (adica 3, 4 dimineata). Si mi se facea la un moment dat un sooomn! Si cred ca dorinta mea cea mai arzatoare era sa schimb pozitia de la verticala la orizontala! Un chin...
Si e o adevarata poveste si cu trezitul..ca eu imi pun ceasul special cu o ora inainte de ora de trezire, ca sa ma trezesc si sa ma pot culca la loc. Asta numai ca sa am acea incantare si placere ce insoteste inca o portie de somn! Cica imi "fac varza creierul"....:P Asa o fi... Asa ca semnez:
Cu drag, un creier facut varza!

marți, 19 ianuarie 2010

luni, 18 ianuarie 2010

Yupi :)

A mers! Am pus un video in blog :)..nu e mare chestie pt multi, dar eu inca mai zburdam pe taramul necunostintei. Asa ca profit de noile achizitii in materie de cunostinte si mai postez un video cu o melodie ce mi-a atras atentia. Recunosc ca imi place poate mai mult varianta mai ritmata, dar cred ca e pentru ca aceea a ajuns prima la urechile mele. Ambele sunt reusite..pentru gusturi diferite!

Try sleeping with a broken heart

Even if you were a million miles away
I could still feel you in my bed
Near me, touch me, feel me
And even at the bottom of the sea
I could still hear inside my head
Tellin' me, touch me, feel me

And all the time you were tellin' me lies

So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold on to the times that we had tonight
I'm gonna find a way to make it without you

Have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart?
Well, you could try sleeping in my bed

Lonely, own me nobody ever shut it down like you
You wore the crown
You made my body feel heaven bound
Why don't you hold me
Near me, I thought you told me
You'd never leave me

Looking in the sky I could see your face
And I know right where I fit in
Take me, make me, you know that I'll always be in love
With you
Right til the end OOh

So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold on to the times that we had tonight
I'm gonna find a way to make it without you

Anybody could've told you right from the start
It's about to fall apart
So rather than hold on to a broken dream
Or just hold on to love

And I could find a way to make it
Don't hold on too tight
I'll make it without you tonight

So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold on to the times we had tonight
I'm gonna find a way to make it without you!


Ce m-a facut sa zambesc intr-o seara in care nu ma simteam tocmai bine...

Mi-a adus aminte de vara, mare si o perioada relaxanta....

duminică, 17 ianuarie 2010

Lucruri ale oamenilor pierduti

Raman parca suspendate in timp si pastreaza ireala atingere a unor oameni ce nu mai sunt. E greu sa schimbi, sa arunci ..sa te desparti pe vecie de ultima dovada materiala a existentei unui om. Uneori, poti rula in minte filmul unei scene petrecute deja sau a unei scene plauzibile, si parca prezenta acelei persoane e cat de cat reala. Totul pare vechi si prafuit odata ce timpul trece, si prezentul se actualizeaza cu fiecare clipa scursa, dar unele imgani, ganduri, situatii si sentimente sunt aduse cu tine in prezent (avandu-le mereu in suflet), incat nici nu au ragaz sa se invecheasca.

luni, 11 ianuarie 2010

Doi miri cu chef..de dans

Vreau sa pun aici likul sa nu cunva sa il uit...imi place!
Pentru o doza de optimism, sau macar un miiic zambetel:


French kiss

O sursa inepuizabila de probleme de adolescenti frustrati si de pustoaice patetice....Un sublim exemplu de "cum se manifesta prostia la 15-16-17-.....max 20 si un piiic de ani!
Cu taoate astea sunt si cazuri interesante din care poti eventual sa si inveti ceva. Si Dan Fintescu are mereu un discurs logic si argumentat (chiar daca initial...din motive gresite...nu ii acordam credit) si inca una dintre fete....de fapt ambele sunt tipe ok (radiofonic vorbind :P), dar una dintre ele se tanguie la niste propozitii uneori de zici ca e hot line.


Dragostea este rabdatoare.
Dragostea nu este invidioasa, nu lucreaza rau, nu cunoaste mândrie, nu este aspra si nici egoista; este înceata la mânie si nu nascoceste nici o rautate; ea nu se bucura de nedreptate, ci se bucura de dreptate.
Dragostea apara totul, dragostea crede totul, dragostea spera totul, dragostea suporta totul si niciodata nu se epuizeaza!

Acum stiu unde imi fac vacantele :D

World's Most Amazing Views:

Cliffs of Moher

Why It’s Amazing: Stand on the blustery edge of Ireland’s steep, rocky Atlantic-battered cliffs and you’ll feel as though you’ve arrived at the true end of the world, with nothing but 2,000 miles of briny Atlantic swells between you and Newfoundland.

Secret Viewing Spot: The view of the ocean from atop Moher is breathtaking, but experiencing it on the water is sublime. Hop on a surfboard at the nearby Lahinch Surf School and try to conquer Aill na Searrach, also known as the giant wave of Moher.

When to Go: Crowds dissipate in October, when you’ll also find the best swells.

Great Wall of China

Why It’s Amazing: Millions of people over the course of 21 centuries helped construct, rebuild, and maintain the Great Wall of China, which dips, rises, and bends across the country for some 6,000 miles. The theory that it’s visible from space is now debated, but its immense engineering achievement and man-made beauty are unquestionable.

Secret Viewing Spot: You’ll find the otherworldly ruins of unrestored wall segments in Gubeikou, a less-visited part of the Yanshan Mountain range in the northeast of Miyun County.

When to Go: October’s brisk temperatures and lighter foot traffic make for ideal wall hiking.

Paris Skyline

Why It’s Amazing: Napoleon is credited for transforming the City of Light during the Second Empire, but it was engineer Gustave Eiffel who helped define the cityscape with a colossal iron lattice tower, which has become a symbol of romance that can be seen sparkling from even the remotest corners ofParis’s 20th Arrondissement.

Secret Viewing Spot: The glimmering, glass-walled Nomiya is a temporary, 12-seat restaurant and art installation on top of the Palais de Tokyo museum; it’s open until July 2010.

When to Go: Winter. Yes, it’s chilly, but the twinkling lights and cold Seine breeze create a tableau that is pure Paris

The Matterhorn

Why It’s Amazing: Five hundred mountain climbers have died attempting to reach the rocky 14,692-foot summit of Switzerland’s majestic Matterhorn. The snow-covered, sawtoothed peak has a pyramidal summit that has become the textbook illustration of alpinism’s golden age and all its triumphs.

Secret Viewing Spot: Ascend Gornergrat by railway and exit at quiet Rotenboden station. Walk down the 3-kilometer path to Lake Riffelsee, which on clear days offers majestic reflections of the mountain.

When to Go: The trail to Lake Riffelsee is open from July to October; the later you go, the less crowded it will be./p>

Grand Canyon

Why It’s Amazing: It’s big. Real big. We’re talking 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide, and one mile deep. While it’s not the world’s deepest or widest canyon, it’s undoubtedly the most colorful. The Grand Canyon also exposes ancient Proterozoic and Paleozoic strata—two billion years of earth’s rust-hued history—a visual experience that is not easily captured on film and can’t be found anywhere else in the world.

Secret Viewing Spot: Head toward tranquil Shoshone Point, an unmarked trail on a dirt road off East Rim Drive between mileposts 244 and 245.

When to Go: March to May, before the RVs arrive.

Machu Picchu

Why It’s Amazing: Though many theories exist about Machu Picchu’s purpose (a prison, a resort, an agricultural test site, an aristocratic estate), there’s no denying the cosmic beauty of these methodically carved, fog-covered peaks, engineered by the Incas in the 15th century. To witness dawn spilling over the lush Peruvian Urubamba Valley is an unforgettable experience.

Secret Viewing Spot: Only the first 400 visitors to the site are given access to Huayna Picchu, the peak that overlooks Machu Picchu’s ruins and offers spectacular vistas of the surrounding cloud forest.

When to Go: June is a quiet month; on Sundays many tourists head to the nearby Pisac Market instead.

Tiger’s Nest

Why It’s Amazing: The Tiger’s Nest (or Paro Taktsang Monastery) clings like lichen to rocky cliffs in Bhutan’s Paro Valley and creates an awed silence among visitors, broken only by the sound of rustling prayer flags and chanting monks.

Secret Viewing Spot: The best vistas are from the gardens of Sangtopelri and hermitages atop the mountain above Tiger’s Nest, accessed by the winding trail used by monks.

When to Go: April and May, for the spring flowers and Paro Festival.

Great Barrier Reef

Why It’s Amazing: The world’s largest reef system, off the coast of Australia, casts a cerulean underwater glow that is unlike any color you’ll find above the surface. Thousands of species live on the reef, including endemic sea-dragons, giant cuttlefish, saltwater crocodiles, and 125 species of sharks.

Secret Viewing Spot: Try off-beach diving and snorkeling from tranquil Lady Elliot Island, home to a population of manta rays and renowned for its crystal-clear waters.

When to Go: September and October, when visibility is at its best and whales are breeding.

Acum ca am trecut de partea grea, adica aflarea destinatiilor perfecte, nu-mi mai ramane de facut decat sa fac ceea ce e mai simplu: sa fac banii pentru bilete (sau sa gasesc un sot bogaaaat caruia sa ii placa sa ma resfete)! :P

duminică, 10 ianuarie 2010


A inceput cu un nevinovat joculet pe mess, dar am dat de gust si vad ca a devenit o ocupatie destul de frecvanta. Si nu..nu m-am rezumat doar la cel e pe mess..m-am mai inscris si pe nu stiu ce site cu jocuri. Si acolo sa te tii bine..e pe puncte, e cu limita de timp..eeee o adevarata provocare pentru oamenii plictisiti...da plictisiti rau!
De fapt..e cam pe expirate "pasiunea", dar voiam sa mai scriu ceva pe blog si cum tocmai castigam un meci incins de biliard am zis sa ii fac onoarea sa vorbesc despre el :P
Deci..o bila.....careva?..nimeni?...va roooooog!!! :))

sâmbătă, 9 ianuarie 2010

Blogger Buddy

E unul dintre gadgets-urile pe care incerc sa le pun la sidebar..Nu merge :(( Si cica ar fi proiectat sa imi usureze munca..cum ar spune o persoana: "post to my blog every day and this gadget does exactly what it is supposed to do: It saves me time by letting me post without opening my browser, logging in, navigating, etc. Nice job!"

what i like

Zau acum..am stat vreo 3 h sa ma tot dumiresc cu dowloadatul clipurilor de pe nu stiu ce site-uri si sa le pun apoi la mine...nu imi merge. Asa ca momentan pun si eu niste linkuri si cam atat...:P

Virtual life (copy/paste)

Cam asa e:

"Iti ascunzi chipul in spatele profilului. Emotiile au fost inlocuite de statusurile zilnice.
Ai renuntat la marile zambete pentru lacrimile uscate pe tastatura. Iti traiesti momentele din spatele monitorului. Te protejeaza cel mai bine de neasteptatul din
first life.
Ai cedat incetul cu incetul la mangaieri si sarutari. Acum nu mai alinti, tu iti incepi gandurile cu
@. Buricele degetelor nu-i mai simt pieptul excitat si plin de dorinta. Acum ele sunt excitate doar de sunetul tastelor lovite cu sarguinta.
Nu intelegi inca, dar cu cat lista prietenilor se imbogateste cu atat agenda telefonului tau e mai saraca. Cu cat numarul
urmaritorilor e mai mare cu atat numarul persoanelor care iti simt lipsa scade. Iar intr-o zi pe ceilalti nu ii va mai interesa newsletter-urile din viata ta."

Un inceput

Blog, blog, blog... X-ulescu declara pe blogul sau ca...... Y-lescu a postat ca.....

O mica rezistenta in fata blogurilor, imblanzita de un blog anonim pe care mai postez din an in an, si pana la urma invinsa de amalgamul de idei jonglate dintr-o emisfera in alta, si care pana la urma trebuiesc exteriorizate intr-un fel sau altul! Si eu am devenit cam "scumpa la vorba" in ultima vreme, asa ca imi gasesc aici un loc numai bun de aberat.

In fine...jocul isi construieste regulile pe parcurs..asa ca....sa ne jucam! :)